Tullyallen Kart Club (TKC) is dedicated to providing a safe environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and abuse for all of our members, competitors, officials, volunteers and supporters.
It is expected that all members and anyone associated with a member will uphold the ethos of the Club in all social media interactions. Members are expected to show respect to others and to give due respect to the reputation and good name of TKC.
1. Who is covered by the Policy?
1.1. The Policy is applicable to all members and their associates within the Club including but not limited to parents / guardians, mechanics, etc.
1.2. It is a condition of your club membership that you agree to abide by TKC’s social media policy.
2. The scope of the Policy
2.1. This policy covers the posting of any text, photo or video on social media that may be deemed to be threatening, illegal, harassing, obscene, bullying, defamatory, slanderous or hostile towards any individual, team or Club official at a TKC event.
2.2. This policy not only covers content posted by a competitor but also third parties associated with that competitor. It will be the competitor’s responsibility to prove that the third party is not in any way associated with them.
3. Responsibility for implementation of the Policy
3.1. TKC has overall responsibility for the effective operation of the Policy.
3.2. Each individual is responsible for their own compliance with the Policy.
4. Policy statement
TKC understands that the use of social media helps promote karting if used appropriately. This Policy outlines the standards TKC requires when using social media.
TKC welcomes comments on our social media relating to our events. We want to hear from our members and followers about what they love about karting, what is happening in the world of karting, upcoming events and your accomplishments. You are welcome to express your views, comments and ideas about karting – you should keep your posts positive at all times. You should show courtesy and respect to others and must not use our social media channels to abuse others, expose others to offensive or inappropriate content, or for any illegal purpose.
TKC respects your right to use your own social media channel for personal use however it is important to be mindful of the impact social media can have on others. You must be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to people’s perceptions of the Club and its members.
You are responsible for your own conduct when using any form of social media.
4.5 Members and anyone associated with a member will not act in such a way that the image of TKC is brought into disrepute. Do not post content that harms the reputation and good standing of TKC or those within its community.
4.6 When using social media to reference a TKC Event, please ensure that you:
do not make disparaging remarks or comments about the club, sport, officials, competitors and volunteers;
do not abusive and do not harass or threaten others.
do not post defamatory or libellous comments.
do not use insulting, provocative, hurtful or hateful language;
do not use obscene or offensive language.
do not post material to our social media channels that infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
do not post multiple versions of the same view to our social media channels or make excessive postings on a particular issue.
4.7 TKC may remove any posts that it considers to be in breach of our social media policy.
4.8 Anyone found to be in breach of the above rules will face the sanctions outlined below.
5.1 A breach of this policy may also involve a breach of other TKC policies and should be read in conjunction with the:
• TKC Regulations.
• Any supplementary regulations.
• TKC’s Racing Code.
5.2 Any breach of this policy will be considered by the Committee and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
5.3 All breaches will be investigated fully, and any mitigating circumstances may be taken into account. The Committee may contact the member associated with the post. The Committee will use their voting powers to decide whether any action is to be taken.
5.4 Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, warning, suspension, or indefinite removal from TKC.
5.5 Once the Committee have agreed on a course of action and the competitor has been notified this will be final and there will be no appeal.
It is a condition of your club membership that you agree to abide by TKC’s social media policy.