What to expect at a TKC event
Often, the track managers organise a full day of testing on the Saturday for those who wish to get more seat time before the race – you can arrange payment with the track.
You must complete your sign on and scrutiny details on your Alpha account.
TKC insist that every entrant checks in at the track on Saturday afternoon. A committee member will be in attendance at the track – you must present yourself and your transponder. You can collect a hire transponder at this point if you have booked one. If you are not going to be at the track on Saturday it is really important that you contact the club by email to arrange an alternative check in.
Driver’s briefing is usually at 8.30am on Sunday morning and all drivers MUST attend.
Each class will get one warm up session (typically 3 or 4 laps). These laps are very important for ensuring your transponder is working properly.
Now, it’s time to go racing.
Every driver will have 2 heats and a final. In the heats, grid positions are allocated to give every driver an equal chance of success - a driver who is on pole for the first heat can expect to be on the last grid place for heat two. The only exception is for that of the novice driver who will start at the back. They will have black number plates with white numbers to show they are a novice. The points scored by the drivers in the heats determine his/her grid position for the final.
Finals are run after a lunch break.
After each race you need to cross the weigh scales and be weighed. It’s important that no one approaches your kart before you’ve weighed or a penalty can be levied. You will get 2 chances to weigh and you must be seated in your kart on the scales. Any driver found to be underweight will be disqualified from that race.
You may be selected to go to the technical inspection area. A random selection of karts from each class will be selected for technical inspection (typically it’s the top 3 but it’s at the discretion of the rules chair or his representative). If you are selected for scrutiny follow the instructions of the scrutineers.
Trophies are awarded to the top three in every class and all Bambino and Cadets will get a finisher’s trophy.